Saturday, September 11, 2010

She's A Rockin!

Olivia is up on her hands and knees... rocking back and forth!! My baby, my tiny baby.. she's getting so big... Wow - almost 6 months old?! I remember when she started smiling, grabbing, reaching, giggling, rolling... All these 'firsts' and she's not quite half a year old yet. These snapshots in my mind are wonderful - I can't journal enough to save all the memories and milestones!

Almost crawling!!? I can't hardly believe it! For now, we are enjoying watching her learn this new skill of rocking. I hope it lasts a while. I'm don't know if I'm ready to chase her around everywhere - but once she starts something, she goes all for it!

She's so proud of herself as she scoots all around to grab a toy. Rolling, scooting, and now rocking! And, oh, the sweet little beaming smile as she realizes how proud of her we are. Even this small, she knows. She's gonna be a little performer.. And it makes my heart melt..

1 comment:

Nina said...

No way. That can not be my tiny little baby that flew off to China. Talk about melting my heart.